Growing Concern Over Complications of Paediatric Male Circumcisions

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Growing Concern Over Complications of Paediatric Male Circumcisions

Male circumcision is one of the most common surgical procedure performed by many levels of healthcare professionals with variable degrees of expertise. Due to the high demand particularly among Muslims, the mostly ritual indicated procedure is also facing quite a glaring number of complications due to accidents, carelessness or surgical incompetence. Many of these complications end up with Paediatric Surgeons or Plastic Surgeons left to correct the defective outcome.

Mr John Emmanuel, our honorable Secretary of MAPS has taken the opportunity to voice this concern through the recently published article in Berita MMA Vol. 53 No. 8 as attached below. It is hoped that this will raise awareness and deliver the message among healthcare professionals involved, that this  procedure is not to be taken for granted and the reality of a growing number of complications arising from it . It requires vigilance, personal insight of the personnel’s own ability and especially the responsibility true to all surgical procedures inflicted on patients which is to produce the best outcome, safe for patients and uphold Primum No Nocere.


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