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Since it’s conception, MAPS has been involved in conducting or coordinating numerous programs related to training and development of skills, knowledge and sharing of surgical experience within the fraternity or outside. We collaborated with local and international organizations and institutions to produce world

Before the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, we manage to organize many workshops and seminars all over the country and participate in those all over the globe.

By 2020, our participation were mostly online to comply with safety measures for gathering and social events. Here we share some photos to commemorate the past events with involvement of MAPS.

(2018 – 2020 )


Paediatric Surgery Postgraduate Updates 2018

  • Date: 14th April 2018
  • Venue: Clinical Auditorium, Menara Utama, University of Malaya Medical Center
  • 6 speakers & 68 participants

Neonatal Anastomosis Workshop

  • Date: 3rd August 2018
  • Venue: Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia
  • 2 facilitators & 29 participants

Paediatric Surgery Masterclass 2018

  • Date: 4th August 2018
  • Venue: Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia
  • 2 guest speakers from Singapore
  • 3 expert panels
  • 4 trainee presentations
  • 47 participants

Paediatric Surgery Laparoscopic Workshop 2018

  • Date: 7th -8th August 2018
  • Venue: Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Kedah
  • Activities: Dry lab, live surgery and hands-on
  • 25 participants


Paediatric Percutaneous Chemoport Insertion Workshop 2019

  • Date: 16th March 2019
  • Venue: Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ), Terengganu
  • 18 participants

13th ASEAN Society of Paediatric Surgeon (ASPS) Congress 2018

  • Date: 28-29 July 2018
  • Venue:  Pattaya, Thailand
  • Involvement:
    • Expert panels from Malaysia: Dato’ Dr Zakaria Zahari and Prof Dr Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz
    • 3 Oral and 1 poster presentations from Malaysian delegates

Paediatric Surgery Postgraduate Updates 2019 (in conjunction with 9th MAPS AGM)

  • Venue: KL International Hotel
  • Date: 13th April 2019
  • Highlights:
  • Experience of paediatric liver transplant from Taiwan (Prof Wang Chih-chi, Kahsioung Taiwan)
  • Gynaecological related issues in paediatrics: DSD, Ovarian Torsion, Ovarian Tumor & Fertility preservation

Paediatric Surgery Masterclass 2019

  • Venue: KL International Hotel
  • Date: 14th April 2019
  • Theme: Hepatobiliary disease and surgery in paediatric, focussing on cholestatic jaundice, Biliary Atresia, Liver Tumor, Liver Resection, Choledochal cyst & Pancreatitis

6th East Coast Paediatric Surgical Update

  • Venue : Crown Garden Hotel, KB
  • Date : 29-30th April 2019
  • Participants : 220
  • Theme : Motley’s Crews of Surgery for Paediatrics
  • Involving Paediatric Surgery, Paediatric ENT, Paediatric Ophtalmology, Paediatric Anesthesia, Paediatric Burn, Paediatric Orthopaedic & Paediatric Dental specialties.

Sabah Paediatric Surgical Update 2019

  • Venue: SWACH, Likas
  • Date: 24-25th June 2019
  • Participants: 43 from all over Malaysia, including focused target audience from district hospitals in Sabah

Perak Neonatal Surgery Update 2019

  • Venue: Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
  • Date: 9th July 2019
  • Participants: 52
  • Topics: Anorectal malformations, Necrotizing enterocolitis, Bilious vomiting in neonates, Abdominal xrays in neonate, Hirschprung disease & Oesophageal atresia

22nd Asian Congress of Surgery / CSAMM 2019

  • Venue: Shangri-La Hotel
  • Date: 4th August 2019
  • Participants: 52
  • 3 local senior paediatric surgeons
    • Dato Zakaria: Malignancy in Adolescents
    • Dato Mohan: Late Diagnosed Hirschsprung disease
    • Mr Tarmizi: Nonoperative management of Appendicitis

Exstrophy Workshop (Kedah)

  • Venue: Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar
  • Date: 27-28 November 2019
  • 17 participants

Exstrophy Workshop and Paediatric Urology Seminar (Penang)

  • Venue: Hospital Pulau Pinang
  • Date: 29 Nov 2019 (Workshop) & 30 Nov 2019 (Urology Seminar)
  • Participants
    • 26 (Workshop)
    • 40 (Seminar)

14th Congress of ASEAN Society of Paediatric Surgeons (Vietnam)

  • Venue: Sheraton Hotel, Hanoi
  • Date: 25-27th September 2019
  • Malaysian delegates involvement:
    • 5 oral presentations


Online webinar on Paediatric Colorectal Topic

  • in collaboration with Chapter of Paediatric Surgery College of Surgeons Singapore and Paediatric Surgery Division UMMC
  • Date: 25 June 2020:
  • Topic: Management of Paediatric Constipation and Faecal Incontinence
  • Speaker: Dr Marc Levit, Children’s National Hospital (US)

Online webinar on Paediatric Colorectal

  • In collaboration with Chapter of Paediatric Surgery College of Surgeons Singapore and Paediatric Surgery Division UMMC
  • Date: 27 August 2020
  • Topic: Bowel Management
  • Speaker: Ms Julie M Choueiki,  Ms Katherine Worst & Dr Marc Levitt, Children’s National Hospital (US)


MAPS Session ( For Paediatric Surgeons )

Clinical Case Discussion

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 1

  • Date: 26 January 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Ms Nur Akmal Bt Ismail Muslim
    • Paediatric Surgeon HSNZ Terengganu
    • Topic: Posterior Cloacal Anomaly 
  • Ms Norhafiza Bt Ab Rahman
    • UIA Lecturer / Paediatric Surgeon, HTA KL
    • Topic: Anterior Ectopic Anus
  • Attendance: 30+

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 2

  • Date: 9 February 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Mr Quincy Lim
    • Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bharu 
    • Topic: Tuberous Sclerosis child with renal mass
  • Speaker 2: Mr Muhammad Fadli Abdullah
    • Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak Sabah
    • Topics: Oesophageal atresia
  • Attendance: 30+

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 3

  • Date: 23 February 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Mr Koay Yeang Wee
    • Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan
    • Topic: The Rapunzel Syndrome
  • Speaker 2: Mr Mohd Razin Hassan
    • Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kelantan
    • Topic: Spectrum of Challenges with Total Colonic Aganglionosis
  • Attendance: 46

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 5

  • Date: 23 March 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Mr Anand Sanmugam
    • University of Malaya Medical Center
    • Topic: Choledochal cyst with omphalocele
  • Speaker 2: Mr Zaim Hazin bin Onn
    • Hospital Umum Sarawak, Kuching
    • Topic: Is it thyplitis?
  • Attendance: 35

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 6

  • Date: 6 April 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Ms Tammy Teoh Han Qi
    • Hospital Pulau Pinang
    • Topic: The various presentations of gastric perforation in children
  • Speaker 2: Mr Rajiev Raja Sakaran
    • Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
    • Topic: Corrosive ingestion
  • Attendance: 39

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 7

  • Date: 13 July 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Ms Azrina Zaman
    • Hospital Canselor Tuanku Mukhriz / PPUKM
    • Topic: Colonic pseudo-obstruction
  • Speaker 2: Mr Muhammad Firdaus
    • Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
    • Topic: Divide and Conquer: A Staged Surgical Approach to Multifocal Primary Neuroblastoma
  • Attendance: 47

MAPS Session for Surgeons: Clinical Case Discussion 8

  • Date: 3 August 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker 1: Mr Muhammad Che Yaacob
    • Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Terenggannu
    • Topic: Young Appendicitis
  • Speaker 2: Mr Vigneshwaran Kandiah
    • Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Pahang
    • Topic: Uncommon Presentation of Recurrent Left Hydrothorax: Our role in this dilemma

CME Sessions

Online CME: Cloacal Malformation

  • Date: 18 May 2021 @ 9pm (online)
  • Speaker: Dr Chia Wee Yan
    • John Hunter Chidlren’s Hospital, Australia
  • Attendance: 86

Weekly Live Webinars on Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition

(In collaboration with Fresenius Kabi Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.)

  • Week 1: Paediatric Intestinal Failure
  • Date: 27 May 2021, 2100-2200h
  • Speaker: Assoc Prof Shireen, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, UMMC
  • Moderator: Ms Shona Alison Edmonds, Paediatric Surgeon (Sunway MC)
  • Attendance: 299 Doctors (Total 448)
  • Week 2: Paediatric Intestinal Rehabilitation
  • Date: 3 June 2021, 2100-2200h 
  • Speaker: Dr Ong Sik Yong, Paediatric Gastroenterologist, HTA KL
  • Moderator: Ms Marjmin Osman, Paediatric Surgeon HCTM/PPUKM
  • Attendance: 325 Doctors (Total 499 )
  • Week 3: Basics of Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition
  • Date: 10 June 2021, 2100-2200h
  • Speaker: Jasreena Kaur Gill, Pharmacist, UMMC
  • Moderator: Dr Kam Choy Chen, Paediatric Gastroenterologist, HTA KL
  • Attendance: 308 Doctors (Total 463)
  • Week 4: Developing a Multidisciplinary Paediatric Nutrition Team for Intestinal Failure 
  • Date: 17 June 2021, 2100-2200h 
  • Speaker: Dr Theodoric Wong, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Birmingham UK
  • Moderator: Dr Ong Sik Yong, Paediatric Gastroenterologist, HTA KL
  • Attendance: 298 Doctors (Total 443)
  • Week 5: Step by Step Approach to PN 
  • Date: 24 June 2021, 2100-2200h 
  • Speaker: Mr Anand Sanmugam, Paediatric Surgeon, UMMC
  • Moderator: Ms Ms Abhirrami Lechmiannandan, Paediatric Surgeon, HTA KL
  • Attendance: 284 Doctors (Total 415)

MAPS Session for Trainee [Part 1]

  • Life as a New Specialist: What I Wish I had Known
  • Date: 5 June 2021 @ 10am (online)
  • Moderator: Mr Anand (UMMC)
  • Speaker:
    • Ms Nur Aini (HWKKS Sabah)
    • Ms Nur Akmal (HSNZ Terengganu)
    • Mr Muhammad Firdaus (HRPB Perak)
  • Attendance: 74

MAPS Session for Trainee [Part 1]

  • Life as a New Specialist: What I Wish I had Known
  • Date: 5 June 2021 @ 10am (online)
  • Moderator: Mr Anand (UMMC)
  • Speaker:
    • Ms Nur Aini (HWKKS Sabah)
    • Ms Nur Akmal (HSNZ Terengganu)
    • Mr Muhammad Firdaus (HRPB Perak)
  • Attendance: 74